
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


  1. I love your beautiful blog... I'm praying all is well with you. I write poetry, and thought this one poem has had many tell me they were helped by it. Perhaps you or your other followers might be helped. I wrote it when first diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer.. almost five years ago.. I've been totally cancer free now for four and half years. God Bless you and yours.

    I know!!
    ©2006 by Carol Notermann

    I know that I’m not in control… But Thank God that He is!
    I know that I’ve no need to plan, for the best plan is His.

    I know that I am not alone. Friends walk the path with me.
    I know that yes, I must be strong, find out what waits for me.

    I know that as in "Footprints" there's only one set in the sand.
    and I know that I am clinging, very tightly to His hand.

  2. Dear Carol,
    Your poem has ministered to me. The last line touched a sensitive spot in my heart as I deal with the consequences of being a "DES daughter." So good to hear that you are cancer-free. Thank you for sharing it with our readers.

  3. Lovely poem Carol. Blessings, Renelle

  4. Dear Carol,

    Your poem is so beautiful! You write with so much heart, and also as Karen writes with a lot of her heart, I am finding this blog very comforting and soothing in the stressful world we live in. More than anything, we all need 'peace' in our daily lives, and time to linger in the garden and in the memories in our hearts.

    Thank you for sharing your poem! May God continue to bless you with more than abundant health and that you continue to be cancer free! (you know me as Jean and Charcoal)

  5. I too am finding this Blog comforting. I'm glad my poem has inspired comfort. I'm told most of my poems make people cry.

  6. Well, friend, this blog is a hidden jewel...I just spent the last half hour reading all the posts...I will be back here again and again, to take it all in and let it digest.

    I am glad to see you doing what you do best - inspiring!

    Miss you.

