
Monday, November 14, 2016

Christmas Tea

Christmas Tea - December 1st

Hello blog friends.

On December First I will be the guest speaker at a Christmas Tea. I'm writing my talk and practicing it this month. (It will be about 15 minutes in length.)

I seek to encourage women to ponder Christ while they are busy serving at Christmastime.

You are invited.

 December First

If you are a blog friend who lives in comfortable driving distance to Quarryville, Pennsylvania in southern Lancaster County and would like to attend . . .

- P.S. (I am removing the contact information today - Dec. 1st - as the organizer has a set amount of table reserved.)  

The decor-theme this year is "Christmas Around the World"
I plan to dress in Christmas colors and look forward to meeting you while setting aside some refreshing moments to share tea during this festive and busy time of year.

My talk is meant to help women with:  hands to work, hearts to God.
Perhaps we'll meet this Christmastime.
Yours, Karen Andreola 


  1. I wish I was close. I'd love to come. Alabama is a bit far from there, unfortunately. :( Hope you all have a wonderful tea.

  2. Wish I could be there, too, Karen. The ladies are blessed to have such a lovely speaker. I know they will leave refreshed. :-)
    Blessings from Michigan,

  3. Will this be recorded! Would love to meet you Karen, maybe someday:)

  4. Hi Ladies, The talk probably will not be recorded. It is a small talk, really. Just 15 minutes. I'm going over and over it in my fussy way. I do hope to share part of it in a blog post.So sorry our paths won't be crossing at the Tea. I would have liked to meet you, too.

  5. Hi Karen,

    Yes, please do share it in written form. I'd love to meet you too. If not in this world, the next... Won't that be a lovely party? :


  6. The thought of a party in heaven as often comforted me.

  7. Sounds lovely, Karen..I'm sure it will be a blessing to you all. Trish xx

  8. Sounds lovely, have a great time!

    I hope we get to read it once it's completed :)

  9. Hello, Karen.

    I hope the Tea is a delightful ushering in of the Christmas season.


  10. Oh how I'd love to meet you Karen! Maybe another time. I'm in Southwest Missouri.
    Laura Lane
