Mother Culture, a CD Talk by Karen Andreola
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Refresh Your Enthusiasm.
Mother culture will safeguard your enthusiasm. It is a refreshing remedy for burnout. Miss Charlotte Mason, who understood weighty responsibility of bringing up children, and the need to sustain a pleasant atmosphere in the home, gave this advice to mothers:“. . . the old painters, however diverse their ideas in other matters, all fixed upon one quality as proper to the pattern of Mother. The Madonna, no matter out of whose canvas she looks at you, is always serene. . . . we should do well to hang our walls with the Madonnas of all the early Masters [of art] if the lesson, taught through the eye, would reach with calming influence to the heart.”

For a mother to allow herself a bit of recreation, to equip and refresh herself by exploring her own interests, to find a little time for herself especially when so many others depend on her, is what Karen calls Mother Culture. She supplies examples of refreshment in her talk. Yet, there is more. Believing that all mothers are crowned with authority by God to be queens of their households, she talks about what she calls “The Majesty of Motherhood.” She reminds her listeners that the Christian mother has a holy advantage. She is empowered by the Holy Spirit who comes alongside her in her service of love and duty.
In this talk, recorded in front of a live audience in 2004, Karen shares her quirks as well as her convictions and we chuckle at the funny side of motherhood. Hearts are softened, too, as she invites women to embrace the blessings of femininity.
Shakespeare said, “Heavy is the head that wears a crown.” If you could use some encouragement in the crown of responsibility you wear, in the many hats you wear as wife, mother, homemaker and home teacher, Karen supplies it with sympathy and friendliness.
If there is such a thing as the joy of childhood there is such a thing as the joy of motherhood, and Mother Culture admonishes a mother to recognize and live within such a blessing. How wonderful when a mother can say, “My cup runneth over,” because it runs over into the family circle.
Aprox 38 minutes.
Are there any plans for an mp3 version? I don't have a working CD player, but would still love to buy this!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Katherine, we have no plans for an mp3 version at present. Karen A.
DeleteWith my son's help I made the talk free on YouTube.