When Interest Fades
We gather simple pleasures like daisies along the way.
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott
As soon as the air took on the chill of autumn a certain squirrel took
on the habit of hopping passed the window. The Lady-of-the-House couldn’t
distinguish what it carried in its mouth. Sometimes the food was an
untraditional green. Anyway, she was entertained as she washed the dishes.
Nutritious nuts are buried by squirrels. Enthusiasm gets buried, too. This is understandable. Busy
homemakers and home teachers hoard ideas for another time because the day’s
demands are varied. The hours seem short.
All is not lost, however. Enthusiasm can be revived. You can uncover
enthusiasm where you left it. Dig
it up. Take a few bites. You can be, once again, fed by the kind of thing that
once struck your fancy.
Recently, the Lady-of-the-House enjoyed making and sending a card to her son’s
nurse. It was on her mind for a week. It isn’t often that she takes out the
basket of rubber stamps. Once in a while she has a craving to color. And she
likes to make cheery things. Such seeds to color must have been sown way back
in her coloring-book days - again, in the early days of home teaching.
Creative stamping eludes the Lady-of-the-House. Perhaps she lacks
confidence for arrangements and trimmings. Anyway, she is happy enough
with: stamp and color.
The stamp she chose depicts an autumn illustration by Tasha Tudor. She
bought what the seller had, ten years ago in a shop in Maine – a small
collection, actually. She is glad she splurged then, as stamps are less available now.
“[Laura] was knitting [Manly] a whole long-sleeved undershirt of fine, soft, Shetland wool yarn for a Christmas surprise. It was difficult to keep it hidden from him and get it finished . . .” Laura Ingalls Wilder, The First Four Years
A faded interest in knitting left every needle untouched for most of the
summer. Until . . . the Lady-of-the-House felt a chill in the air . . . and . .
. she spied some yarn at Landis Valley. She swooned over all the colors, secretly. After making the painstaking
decision, she chose two. The wool is sheared, dyed and spun locally.
She knit a raspberry cap, a pair of socks and mittens - each from a
separate pattern. Because she was able to use the same yarn it ended up making
a set – a gift for a two-year-old.
Has your enthusiasm been sleepy?
Perhaps an idea from a coffee table book out of the library - or the
simple pleasure of a leafy, leisure stroll outdoors - for instance - might
clear the air and awaken a personal interest.
Easy-to-read-at-night, the Lady-of-the-House fed her soul with The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Have you read it? When she got to page 85 she scribbled down the knitting quote. Hope, persistence, hard work, and love “runneth over” its pages.

Easy-to-read-at-night, the Lady-of-the-House fed her soul with The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Have you read it? When she got to page 85 she scribbled down the knitting quote. Hope, persistence, hard work, and love “runneth over” its pages.
Post Script - Knitting Lingo
I doubled the size of the pattern’s bumps on the raspberry hat. In the heel of the sock I changed all the K2TogTBL to SSK. I prefer a SSK decrease. It gives a smoother appearance. I also continued the ribbing along the top of the sock for a more elastic fit. Did I do any tweaking to my trusty plain and oft-referred-to mitten pattern? Yes. I improvised with “little shells” edging. I couldn’t wait to try it on something so why not a cuff? I had to rip out the “little shells” and start over a couple of times before I was happy with it. Now I wish I had put this edging on the socks, too.
The roses are from my daughter Yolanda's garden.
Hope you had a cheery visit,
Karen Andreola